SDI Visits
KEYE-TV's We Are Austin

SDI Grad Kenny Conley and his Service Dog Ruby joined Founder Sheri Soltes January 24th on KEYE-TV's We Are Austin with host Trevor Scott. Kenny shared how he and Ruby are still going strong after nearly 11 years together!
We showcased highpoints of our nearly 40 years of turning strays into stars. And most of all, how grateful we are for community support. You're what keeps us going!
Exciting New Hearing Dog Matches
Matching is one of our favorite days. Please help us welcome for our newest Teams:

Alexis & Lyric
Shelter: Austin Humane Society
Sponsor: Your donations!

Jessica & Abba
Shelter: Harris County Pets
Sponsor: Douglas Becker

Kimberly & Vogue
Shelter: Hill Country Humane Society
Sponsor: Your donations!
We now train each Hearing Dog to additional customized sound alerts requested by the client, such as someone calling their name.
In around two months, our clients will return for their 5-day Team Training Class with their new Hearing Dogs. The following week, we will move the dogs into their new homes and conduct 3 months of weekly In-home Training sessions and public work leading to certification.
We put an enormous amount of work into specially training each dog for its partner at our training campus and in their home and community
We are fortunate that Abba has a Sponsor. For everyone else, we depend on your help for the $50,000 cost of training. Won't you support these wonderful teams with a tax deductible gift?
Van Fundraiser: 12% There!

We've raised $6,200 of the $50,000 we need for two new vehicles. $43,800 to go.
Your gift keeps our trainers and dogs safe as we drive across Texas turnin' strays into stars.
Won't you chip in?
A Day In The Life of A Service Dog In Training

Hi, I'm Groove.
Six days before Christmas, SDI brought me here from Harris County Pets in Houston to start my new life as a Service Dog.
I lived on the streets. My typical day was "try to stay alive". That meant looking for food and looking for a place to get out of the freezing rain. I did my best, but my ribs poked out, my coat was dull and coated with dirt and I was infected with tapeworms.
When the SDI Trainer looked me over, I showed him what I'd learned at the shelter. I love people, so I was eager to bring back toys he tossed for me and walk calmy next to him on a leash.
I heard him tell someone, "I only planned to take 2 dogs, 3 at the most, and this one makes 4." I am so glad he made room for me!
I've been at SDI now for six weeks. So much has changed. Each day is a new present to unwrap, bursting with amazing activities.

First bath of my life! Warm, sudsy water on a cold day? Yes, please!
3 meals a day
My friends in Canine Support specially prepare them for my health needs. My ribs still show, but I'm putting on weight and my coat now shines.
Lots of walks
My friends in Canine Support take me on discovery walks. I love exploring the 6 acres. I love sniffing all the plants, feeling my muscles get stronger going up and downhill and breathing in the fresh country air.
Relationship sessions
Some of the younger dogs call this "snuggle time". I'm a big boy, but I love it, too. A Trainer or one of my friends in Canine Support gets on the floor with me. We both chill, enjoying each other's company. They pet me and I stretch out and relax. This helps me get to know them and trust them

My pal Jingle in a Relationship session with Trainer Alec
SDI adopted her, me, Cassette and Journey from Harris County Pets on Dec. 19
Training Sessions
This morning, I worked on going in and out of a crate with Trainer Izzy. Other times, I work on basics like eye contact when they say my name, sits, downs and getting into "close" position on their left side. Is it bragging to say I ace everything?
Play sessions
We do these a lot after Training sessions. One of my friends in Canine Support takes me into a play yard where we, guess what! Play! They toss a ball for me. I feel like I'm flying as I race after it. When I bring it back, they also act like I'm the cleverest dog in the whole entire world. I am starting to think I am!

Play + Pets = Bliss
With Director of Training & COO Tailer
Chew & Chill
After all that activity, I like some me time. When I get back to my kennel suite, I find a chew toy waiting for me. I dig in, relaxing and letting the day wash over me. Before I know it, I'm snoozing away. How did I get to be this lucky?
This means health and grooming. On the regular, my new friends make sure my ears are clean and my nails trim. And once a month it happens - Bath Time! To be honest, I had never had a bath before SDI adopted me. The dust would fly off my coat when anyone petted me. Now, after the warm water washes over me, my shampoo, and yes, conditioner, I feel like a new dog. Polishing a diamond, I like to think.

I never relaxed on the streets.
Thank you all for my new life. I promise to pay it forward.
Service Dogs, Inc. adopts all our dogs from animal shelters. We train and provide them to our clients free of charge. Will you support our training program with a tax deductible gift?
Special Thanks
Thank you to these wonderful companies for contributing $10,000 to our Home for the Holidays Campaign. Their generosity inspired our SDI community to raise over $120,000 to support our mission of turning strays into Stars!