Dogs With Jobs
At SDI, our dogs have two main jobs. Help mitigate their partners’ disabilities and behave exemplary in public.

We train our dogs for public work by weekly outings. We progress them through getting comfortable with parking lots, to entering buildings, to walking with us indoors, to walking next to a shopping cart.
We also progress from low distraction businesses with fewer people, like the local feed store, to busier places like a mall to the ultimate - restaurants.
By the time we move our dogs in with our clients, the dogs are experienced and comfortable in a wide range of public businesses. We rebuild those behaviors with the client handling the dog instead of a trainer.
All of this attention to good public behavior makes it easier for our clients to enjoy their legal rights of public access. Our well trained teams - client and dog - also reflect positively on all Service Dogs.
We are proud to share that in 35 years, SDI has never received a complaint about any of our dog’s behavior in public. It’s all due to the hard work of our trainers, dogs and clients.
We train our dogs for public work by weekly outings. We progress them through getting comfortable with parking lots, to entering buildings, to walking with us indoors, to walking next to a shopping cart.
We also progress from low distraction businesses with fewer people, like the local feed store, to busier places like a mall to the ultimate - restaurants.
By the time we move our dogs in with our clients, the dogs are experienced and comfortable in a wide range of public businesses. We rebuild those behaviors with the client handling the dog instead of a trainer.
All of this attention to good public behavior makes it easier for our clients to enjoy their legal rights of public access. Our well trained teams - client and dog - also reflect positively on all Service Dogs.
We are proud to share that in 35 years, SDI has never received a complaint about any of our dog’s behavior in public. It’s all due to the hard work of our trainers, dogs and clients.