Planned giving affords individuals of all income levels the opportunity to give something back to the community, as even a small percentage of any estate can be bequeathed to charity.
The financial assets, or planned gifts, that can be used to establish a fund at Service Dogs, Inc. include:
Life estates
Retirement plan beneficiary designations
Charitable gift annuities
Charitable lead trusts
Charitable remainder trusts
IRA Contributions
Planned Giving provides a way to fulfill your charitable and philanthropic intentions with gifts made to Service Dogs, Inc. from your estate after your death in accordance with specific plans you have made during the course of your lifetime.
Indeed, some of the greatest opportunities to arrange for your charitable contributions may occur at the same time you are making other major business, personal, and financial decisions, e.g., when you write or revise a will; sell a business or other major asset; plan for retirement; and/or receive an unexpected financial windfall. Planned giving instruments can be simple, or sophisticated enough to provide for a complex array of commitments to families, friends, businesses, and charitable institutions.
Service Dogs, Inc. welcomes the opportunity to work with you and your financial and legal advisors to execute your philanthropic vision.
How do I learn what to do with my foster dog?SDI will host a Foster Orientation to prepare you for weekend fostering. We also give you a Foster Manual with information and feedback forms. Plus, we will assign you a Trainer who will be available to you by phone and text every time you foster a dog.
Can I foster if I have other pets?At this time, we are looking for fosters with no other dogs in the home. We will consider other pets on a case by case basis.
How long do I foster a Service Dog?Fosters pick up the dog on Fridays and drop them off on Mondays.
Do I have to buy food and supplies?No. SDI provides all food and supplies.
What are the requirements?Must 18 or older Able to pick up and drop off the dog at our training center in Dripping Springs, Texas No other dogs in household
Email Template 2: Fundraising Progress & AppreciationSubject: Exciting update on our fundraising journey! Hi [Recipient's Name], We've raised [Amount Raised] for Service Dogs, Inc. so far, thanks to your generous support. There's still time to help us hit our goal of [Your Fundraising Goal]. If you know anyone else who might want to contribute, please share my fundraising page with them: [Your Fundraising Page Link] T hank you once again for your kindness and for being part of this transformative mission. Warm regards, [Your Name]
Email Template 1: Kicking Off Your FundraiserSubject: Join me in championing Service Dogs, Inc.! Hi [Recipient's Name], I've taken on a new project to support Service Dogs, Inc. (SDI), an organization that turns shelter dogs into life-altering service dogs for people with disabilities at no cost. I'm fundraising [Your Fundraising Goal] to support SDI's mission and I need your help. Can you donate to help me reach my goal? Your contribution will not only mean a lot to me but will also change the lives of those benefiting from SDI's services. Here's my fundraising page for more information and to make a donation: [Your Fundraising Page Link] Thank you for considering supporting this cause that I hold dear. Best regards, [Your Name]
QualificationsReasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Must be knowledgeable in operant conditioning and classical conditioning, both in theory and with hands-on experience, and be able to apply these to training Hearing, Service and Facility Dogs Minimum of a high school diploma. Some college or a college degree is preferred. A minimum of 2 years’ experience training dogs other than your own. Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions and procedure manuals. Ability to write routine reports and correspondence. Ability to speak to Guests and Team Members. Valid Driver’s license with current automobile insurance
DutiesParticipate in evaluation of shelter dogs. Train assigned behaviors for dogs. Provide scheduled and requested updates to Manager of Training and CEO on training progress for each dog Maintain health of dogs including any necessary veterinary visits Maintain health and training records Feed and exercise dogs Perform husbandry procedures on dogs Maintain cleanliness of kennels, play yards and training building on a daily basis Ensure a safe working environment for the animals, staff, recipients, volunteers and guests Comply with ADI (Assistance Dogs International) certification standards for kennel and dog care and support Communicate effectively and openly with all SDI employees, representatives, customers, donors, their representatives, and clients. Set a positive example to all SDI staff members Assist in tours, educational programs
Images and Videos for DownloadUse this Google Drive link to download images, graphics, and videos you may use to upload and share directly on your social media.
Links for SharingYou may use the following links to direct people to learn more about SDI. About Us: https://www.servicedogs.org/about Meet Our Grads: https://www.servicedogs.org/meetourgrads Meet Our Dogs: https://www.servicedogs.org/ourdogs Instagram: @servicedogsinc TikTok: @servicedogsinc1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/servicedogsinc For donations, you may use your custom fundraiser link or send people to the main page using this link: https://givebutter.com/c/Rz9Rua They will still be able to credit you when donating by selecting your name or team's name.
I have other pets. May I keep them?Pets, other than dogs, are fine.
Will you certify my dog as a Service Dog?No.
Will you train my dog?No.
More Questions?Email: info@servicedogs.org
How long is the application process?The application process takes 3-6 months.
How much do I have to pay?SDI provides each dog free of charge to the client. We must raise $50,000 in donations to pay for training both the dog and the client. We welcome donations from applicants and appreciate any fundraising efforts, but these are not required. Applicants pay: Application Fee: $50, non-refundable Travel expenses to our training campus in Dripping Springs, Texas (near Austin) for: Applicant Orientation Day - 1 day Clients pay: Travel expenses to our training campus for Matching 1 or more days, 2-hour session Team Training Class - Monday - Friday, 5 days Expenses for care of dog once it moves in with you. Approximately $2500 annually for premium dog food, veterinary needs, training supplies, equipment and other needs.
What kind of dogs does Service Dogs, Inc. use?We adopt young adult dogs from shelters and rescue organizations with the temperament suited for this kind of work. Dogs may be pure or mixed breed. Hearing Dogs are typically mid-size Service Dogs are typically Lab size Facility Dogs are typically Lab size
I have a dog now. Can I keep him when I get a dog from SDI?No. This is sometimes a hard choice for applicants, but the Assistance Dog must be the only dog in the home. That is so its focus will be on helping its partner, not the distraction of another dog. One positive aspect of the waiting list is applicants have plenty of time to find a relative or friend who can provide a good home for their current pet.
Additional Links and ResourcesAssistance Dogs International Texas or for a purpose outside of what Service Dogs, Inc. trains for, explore the training groups lists on this site. This is also where you can learn about assistance dogs in general including standards and ethics. “Assistance Dogs International (ADI) is a coalition of not for profit assistance dog organizations. The purpose of ADI is to improve the areas of training, placement, and utilization of assistance dogs, staff and volunteer education, as well as educating the public about assistance dogs, and advocating for the legal rights of people with disabilities partnered with assistance dogs.” International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (IAADP) This organization focuses on the people who use assistance dogs – the partners. If your assistance dog question is hard to fit, take a look here. “A non-profit, cross-disability organization representing people partnered with guide, hearing and service dogs.” The Americans With Disabilities Act and Service Dogs Find out your state’s law on assistance dogs in this pdf publication. It includes laws of other countries, too. Researched and published by Assistance Dogs International. Texas laws on Service Dogs Learn about your rights of access to public places with your Hearing or Service Dog Air Carrier Access Act and Service Dogs Learn about flying with Service Dogs Download a chart of the different airlines’ policies and links here: Microsoft Excel Adobe PDF
What is the wait time for a dog, after my application is accepted?1-2 years, sometimes sooner.
Do I have to have a fenced yard?Yes, if you live in a house. You will still need to take the dog outdoors for exercise and toileting. We do not allow recipients to leave their Hearing or Service Dogs in the backyard unattended. If you live in an apartment, you will need to take your dog outdoors multiple times daily for exercise and toileting. You must also arrange to clean up after your dog.
How old are the dogs when they are matched with a client?2-3 years old
Percentage BequestLeaving a percentage of your overall estate or a residuary estate to Service Dogs, Inc. means you leave a certain percentage, like 10%, 50%, etc. after the estate’s bills, bequests and taxes are paid. If fortune changes the size of the estate over the years, this bequest will change in the same proportion. Essentially, you are leaving a percentage of the leftovers or residual after estate obligations are paid.
General BequestA general bequest is probably the most popular type of charitable bequest. You simply leave a specific dollar amount to Service Dogs, Inc. For example, a bequest of $10,000 is a general bequest. The charity can use the bequest for any purpose they choose.
Life EstatesYour primary residence or a second home is also, potentially, a charitable asset. A donor can gift a residence, realize a current income tax deduction, and continue to live in the home until his or her death. When Service Dogs, Inc. receives the home, it will sell the property and use the proceeds to support its charitable programs.
Charitable Gift AnnuityThis type of gift begins with a simple agreement between the donor and Service Dogs, Inc.: in exchange for a gift of assets, typically cash or stock, the Service Dogs, Inc. promises to pay the donor a guaranteed lifetime income. The donor can begin receiving the income immediately or defer payments until reaching a certain age. The donor realizes significant tax advantages — an immediate charitable tax deduction and consideration of a portion of the income payments as tax-free return of principal.
Bequest BenefitsA bequest is a gift you leave in your will. A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways to make a lasting gift that will continue to give long after you are gone. A bequest is generally a revocable gift, which means you can change or modify it at any time. You can choose to designate that a bequest be used for a general or specific purpose so you have the peace of mind knowing that your gift will be used as intended. Bequests are exempt from federal estate taxes to the recipient resulting from the carefully planned use of tools like a testamentary charitable trust. If you have a taxable estate, the estate tax charitable deduction may offset or eliminate estate taxes. Types of Bequests There are a number of ways you can make a bequest for Service Dogs, Inc.:
To Discuss Your Planned GiftPlease contact Sheri Soltes at (512) 858-1495 or sheri@servicedogs.org.
Contingent BequestA contingent bequest is used to provide for the situation when a beneficiary dies before you or disclaims the property. To prepare for such an occurrence, consider naming Service Dogs, Inc. as the contingent beneficiary. This will ensure that the property will pass to Service Dogs, Inc. in one of these situations rather than to unintended beneficiaries. Example (simplified): You leave $100,000 to your son Wilbur. If Wilbur dies before you, then the $100,000 goes to Service Dogs, Inc. This is helpful in case you did not update your will after Wilbur died. It prevents the imaginary $100,000 from going to other people whom you did not intend to receive it or the state if there were no other beneficiaries named.
Residuary BequestA residuary bequest is used to give a charity all – or a portion of – one’s property after all debts, taxes, expenses and all other bequests have been paid. A common residuary bequest involves leaving “the rest of the property” to Service Dogs, Inc.
Sample Bequest WordingAlways review language in financial documents you create with your own financial planner. The samples below are intended for suggestions only. Bequest Language In order to make a bequest, you should speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include a charitable bequest in your estate plan. We have provided some basic bequest language to assist you and your attorney. Sample Wording for Gifts to Service Dogs, Inc. By Will or Trust Agreement I give, devise and bequeath (description of assets or percent of residual estate) to Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567. The above form is sufficient if the donor desires that his or her gift (bequest) be used at the discretion of Service Dogs, Inc. to support current charitable needs. Specific Bequest: If you are considering making an outright bequest to Service Dogs, Inc., we recommend the following language: Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount I hereby give, devise and bequeath _________ and No/100 dollars ($DOLLARS) to Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567. Bequest of Specific Personal Property I hereby give, devise and bequeath DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to Service Dogs, Inc., to be held by Service Dogs, Inc. in perpetuity, not in trust but in fee simple with the reasonable spending policy amount to be available in the sole discretion of Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567. Bequest of Specific Real Estate I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at ADDRESS OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to Service Dogs, Inc., to be held by Service Dogs, Inc. in perpetuity, not in trust but in fee simple with the reasonable spending policy amount to be available in the sole discretion of Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567. Percentage Bequest If you are considering making a bequest of a percentage of your estate to Service Dogs, Inc., we recommend the following language: I hereby give, devise and bequeath ____ percent (___%) of my total estate, determined as of the date of my death, to Service Dogs, Inc., to be held by Service Dogs, Inc. in perpetuity, not in trust but in fee simple with the reasonable spending policy amount to be available in the sole discretion of Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567. Residual Bequest I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Service Dogs, Inc. the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, to be held by Service Dogs, Inc. in perpetuity, not in trust but in fee simple with the reasonable spending policy amount to be available in the sole discretion of Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567. Contingent Bequest If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, then I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Service Dogs, Inc. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, to be held by Service Dogs, Inc. in perpetuity, not in trust but in fee simple with the reasonable spending policy amount to be available in the sole discretion of Service Dogs, Inc. Service Dogs, Inc. is a qualified charitable organization located at 4925 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, TX, 78620, Federal Tax ID #76-0260567.
Life Insurance PoliciesA life insurance policy can also be converted to a generous vehicle for philanthropy. The donor simply irrevocably assigns his or her insurance policy to Service Dogs, Inc. and names Service Dogs, Inc. as a beneficiary. Donors receive tax deductions equivalent to the policy’s cash surrender value or for the amount contributed (to Service Dogs, Inc.) to pay the premium, and can use the life insurance to establish a charitable fund of any kind.
Charitable Remainder TrustShould you be contemplating a charitable gift of $100,000 or more from your estate, you may find the charitable remainder trust a particularly flexible way to achieve your philanthropic goals, while achieving benefits in terms of income tax deductions, reduced estate taxes, decreased capital gains taxes, increased income from assets, and the ability to provide for your spouse and/or heirs. There are two principle kinds of charitable remainder trusts: The Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust which allows you to ensure an income for life at the same time it provides for the community to benefit in perpetuity. The donor who establishes an Annuity Trust at Service Dogs, Inc. creates a permanent charitable fund and receives a fixed annual income for life, as does a surviving spouse. The donor also benefits from a significant income tax deduction that can be taken immediately and carried forward up to five additional years, and from reduced estate taxes. The Charitable Remainder Unitrust similarly provides for a charitable fund, an income for life for the donor and his or her surviving spouse, and the relevant tax advantages. Instead of a fixed annual income, however, a specific percentage of the trust assets (the minimum is 5 percent) is returned to the donor each year. At the end of the trust, any assets remaining in the charitable remainder trust can be used to establish a named charitable fund.
Specific BequestA specific bequest involves making a gift of a specific asset. For example, a bequest of a specified stock, real estate, or a vacation home is a specific request.