Exciting news! Thanks to support from Craig Carlton, owner of C.C. Carlton Industries, we are finally building our new quarantine kennel. This state-of-the-art facility will house newly adopted shelter dogs while we make sure they are healthy. The building will include central heating and air, plus a fire detection system.

photos: Craig Carlton, Owner & Manager, C.C. Carlton Industries; Joe Guerrero, President, C.C. Carlton Industries with Gabi, a shelter dog adopted by co-worker Victoria Kline.
This frees up our two existing buildings to house dogs in training. Overall, we can now adopt more dogs and get them to our clients in a shorter time!
We plan to break ground in April and cut the ribbon 120 days later!
We are immensely grateful to Mr. Carlton and his amazing staff for "adopting" us. We can't wait to share our progress with you as building progresses.